
Random Shopper

8-12, 2012 Jeroen Bosch 0

De eerste twee aankopen aan huis geleverd. Briljant vervolgverhaal kernachtig geformuleerd door de maker: “The chronicles of Darius Kazemi and the bot he wrote that buys him random crap.” Kortom elke maand voor 50 [Meer…]


Santiago Sierra – Worlds Largest Graffiti

7-12, 2012 Jeroen Bosch 0

““Worlds Largest Graffiti” von Santiago Sierra, Smara Refugee Camp, Algerien: “In October 2012 the letters “S.O.S.” were carved into the ground of Western Sahara/Algeria near the Saharaui refugee camp Smara in collaboration with Artifariti and [Meer…]

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