
Department for Public Appearances

28-03, 2007 Jeroen Bosch 1

Installation of a prototype of the EUROSTREIFEN in Munich, corner of Kidler- / Valleystraße “The psychological effect achieved by rotating the white stripes enhances the safety of pedestrian crossings. For the traffic, they nowconstitute a [Meer…]


Stefaan Dheedene

28-03, 2007 Jeroen Bosch 1

Stefaan Dheedene bought a piece of furniture from the Billy series at Ikea. But the day before the exhibition opened, Dheedene took Billy back to Ikea. […] In the time before the opening the artist [Meer…]


Komar & Melamid

27-03, 2007 Jeroen Bosch 1

Hollands most wanted, 1997 “Omdat Nederlanders zachte, ronde vormen prefereren boven hoekige vormen en fijne penseelstreken boven wild geklodder, is het ‘meeste gewenste’ schilderij een fijn geschilderd doek met zachte rondingen geworden, op het [Meer…]

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