Carla Klein @ Frieze Art Fair
Carla Klein bij galerie Tanya Bonakdar op Frieze Art Fair. Website Carla Klein
Carla Klein bij galerie Tanya Bonakdar op Frieze Art Fair. Website Carla Klein
New People, Silvia B STICK/FIGURE *drawing show* The exhibition Stick/Figure will premiëre on 15 October 2005. […] opening on Friday October 14th, from 19:00-22:00. Deelnemende kunstenaars: Bettina Carl (D), Johan Kleinjan (NL), Robert Rosenau [Meer…]
“The Drawing Club is a project that defends the practice of the activity of drawing and promotes the discussion on the criteria around the question “What is a drawing?””
Donald Duck is zijn snaveltje vergeten. Opening zondag 11 september 16.00 “The official opening will be followed by a lecture by theoreticians Ricardo Cuadros and Paz Aburto on Chilean art and will give context to [Meer…]