
De geschiedenis van Pong

4-12, 2012 Niels Post 0

“Alcorn headed out to the local Walgreens, picked up a $75 black-and-white television set, hid the Hitachi logo inside a rudimentary orange casing, which housed the logic circuits and a coin box made from an [Meer…]


Boze Vogels Het Bordspel

19-10, 2012 Jeroen Bosch 1

“This exciting skill-and-action game includes three Angry Birds, green pigs, one slingshot-style launcher, structure pieces and mission cards.”


Binnen spelen

6-06, 2012 Niels Post 0

De geschiedenis van het computerspel ritmisch aan elkaar gemonteerd. Voor de nostalgici onder u. (video na de klik)

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