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Kak(K)eten in Taiwan (bijna) groter dan de McDonalds. moderntoilet.com.tw
Kak(K)eten in Taiwan (bijna) groter dan de McDonalds. moderntoilet.com.tw
Artinfo: Peter Schjeldahl on Criticism and Context
Bijzonder kek booklet 123 pagina’s ideetjes van Helmut Smits in de winkel van Onomatopee. onomatopee.net/pages/projecten/omp23.html
“Prof. J.Merkert states: “The alienating reassembly of found visual objects into other image at the computer screen would be unthinkable without the principle of the collage developed by cubism and Dadaism. The intelligence and exact [Meer…]
Add Art: Firefox plugin replaces ads with contemporary art.
“De kunstenares werkt afwisselend realistisch, surrealistisch of stijllistisch, maar beslist niet abstract.” (Begint na ong. 2 minuten.)
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