Arts funding has never been a pretty picture. Shrill anti-BP campaigners don’t realise that state funding for the arts is more problematic than money from Big Oil.
diamond money good
phillop Morris good
WWII art sales are good
its all good- art is important just like war and resources- and slave trade- how can we feel the pain of art, the need to create is we dont have something to fight against?? hummmmm?. Dead whales on the beach paintings, maybe now BP is the new 9/11 in a post 9/11 world, the change would seem to be only natural- just like oil- natural.
diamond money good
phillop Morris good
WWII art sales are good
its all good- art is important just like war and resources- and slave trade- how can we feel the pain of art, the need to create is we dont have something to fight against?? hummmmm?. Dead whales on the beach paintings, maybe now BP is the new 9/11 in a post 9/11 world, the change would seem to be only natural- just like oil- natural.