“The show is in collaboration with WORM I collected 11 songs based on the idea of hope from different amateur choirs. Voix des Voyageurs, Zinnechoeur, Hart voor Hard parade, the Brecht Eisler Choir, Tapalanote Gay Sports Choir, Kuumba Flemish African Center, Amsterdam boxing club choir, Waalse kerk choir & rootscore choir.
In the installation I play these songs- while you play an impossible game of golf surrounded by new talent which is arriving by rubber boat, then they go camping, they they are in the city, and in the end having thanks giving dinner at home. A very happy ending. As usual.”
Verplichte kost voor wie een dezer dagen in Brussel is.
T/m 20 mei a.s.
T/m 20 mei a.s.
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