Experience: I was painted by Andy Warhol

“He wanted to paint my portrait every year for 10 years as a series, showing the changes as I grew from 10 to 20. I was so young that I didn’t realise what an awesome opportunity this was. Each year, nearing my birthday, Andy would remind me, but I was so distracted by boys, friends and school that in the end I did just this one sitting. It was rare for Andy to paint solo portraits of children, and today when I see my paintings, I am reminded of how special he always made me feel.

We had other fun experiences. Andy twice signed a Campbell’s soup can for my school art teachers in an attempt to get me an A. And he took part in a scavenger hunt for my 12th birthday party: one of the tasks was to get his autograph, and he sat in a cafe all afternoon with my father until every team found him.”


About Niels Post 3664 Articles
Niels Post is beeldend kunstenaar en actief als mede-oprichter van Trendbeheer.com. Hij is opgeleid aan de AKI in Enschede en het San Francisco Art Institute. Zijn werk is wereldwijd te zien geweest op videofestivals, tentoonstellingen en als zelfinitiatief in de openbare ruimte. Spam, computer gegenereerde tekst die niemand wil maar die overal opduikt, vormt de laatste jaren het basismateriaal van zijn beroepspraktijk. Post gebruikt het voor interventies op leegstaande winkelramen, wandsculpturen en ruimtevullende installaties.

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