Anastasia Mina, Maria Ikonomopoulou – syn[chrono]sides

cover syn[chrono]sides

Handgetekend kunstenaarsboek in oplage van 45 exemplaren. Met van de ene kant Anastasia Mina en van de andere kant Maria Ikonomopoulou.

Met zondagmiddag 15:00 uur artisttalk bij Walgenbach

“Paul Bogaers will lead a conversation with Maria Ikonomopoulou around notions related to the project, such as repetition, discipline, time, freedom and restriction, perfection and imperfection.”


p.6. syn[chrono]sides


p.8 syn[chrono]sides

p.9 syn[chrono]sides


“syn[chrono]sides is a double-­‐sided book where the back cover serves at the same time as the cover and conversely. Each artist has worked on one side of the book and both, met in the middle, created a drawing together. The 45 copies are all handmade referring to the manuscripts of antiquity and the way they were reproduced by monks in the Middle Ages.”

About Jeroen Bosch 4760 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder Meer info zie

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