

30-11, 2015 [Redactie] 2

Walter De Maria Afgelopen zondag 22 november bezocht ik Dia:Beacon. Ik was zó onder de indruk dat ik het graag met jullie wil delen. Eerlijk gezegd had ik er nog nooit van gehoord, maar ik [Meer…]

White terrorist bingo

White Terrorist Bingo

30-11, 2015 Niels Post 0

‘When an American tries to kill another American in the name of Islam, it’s terrorism. When white Christians — the most common religious killers in America by a long chalk — open fire on a [Meer…]


Marie’s Dictionary

28-11, 2015 Niels Post 0

“This short documentary tells the story of Marie Wilcox, the last fluent speaker of the Wukchumni language and the dictionary she created in an effort to keep her language alive.” Vimeo.com/105673207

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