About Jeroen Bosch
4776 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency.
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“so long as he doesn’t leave the limits of Beijing city, he is completely free.”
Ik hoop maar dat ze hem niet hebben geknakt…
artist Weiwei is released from prison and is picked up by his biggest collector John Weinstein Van Burger Bong in a new 2011 Lamborgini screaming out the window- “The art Wold will change for ever now that I am freed to sell my work to all the people who care and actually know or give a fuck about my work. I am the only person to have been arrested for anything in China and that is why every art blog and magazine is covering my story”…. Jesus- there are hundreds of thousands of people in jail who are wrongfully attained in china- and the art world does not give a shit about them- this is so boring-
try to find a real hero for fuck sake-.