Ruth Leavitt – Artist and Computer

ruth leavitt

    Bookcover met drie baarden

Ruth Leavitt’s introduction to computers was via her husband Jay. Ruth Leavitt was the editor of one of the earliest compilations on computer art: Artist and Computer, Harmony Press, 1976 (bron)


“My first encounter with computers in producing art was to experiment and create graphics with a program that already existed. I drew and shaded pictures on a cathode ray tube using a light pen attachment.”



‘Diamond Transformations I’, serigraph.


‘Inner City Variation II’, serigraph.

” The impact of computers on art in the future will be greater because more artists will have access to machines. I have no doubt that the public shall also have access to computers and certainly more leisure time. If computer art is to become ‘the public art’ it will not be because graphics can be produced cheaply and en masse as some have predicted. It will be ‘the public art’ because the public will be generating works of art with programs that artists have created.”


‘Diamond Variation I’, serigraph; 1975, 32½ inches in diameter.

About Jeroen Bosch 4753 Articles
Smaakmakend sinds jaar en dag: onafhankelijk kunstenaar, tentoonstellingmaker, trendbeheerder en oprichter art agent orange, artist run art agency. Eigen werk onder Meer info zie

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