Reclame voor wildplassen tegen vieze stinkauto’s. GTAVTK* “you know how upset I am at those who idle their vehicles and poison our world. […] That’s when I decided to produce an ‘end idling’ commercial. Luckily [Meer…]
Behang van loterijbriefjes van losers. (Link pdf) “Het Canadese project “At work/Au travail” is in oktober en november te gast in 1646. Au travail bestaat onder andere uit een website waarop mensen foto’s en tekst [Meer…]
“The Barbies and World Globe were created as a portion of Nikki Craft’s college thesis in ceramics. It was called “But is it Art or Is It Politics?” and was unveiled in the parking lot [Meer…]
zegt ie nou adam curry, ónze adam curry? ( 3:20 )
yep :)