In de jaren 90 kocht ik me ooit ook een hectare maar waar heb ik het bonnetje ook alweer gelaten?
Ruim dertig jaar geleden begon Dennis Hope met de verkoop van grond op de maan, zelf een eigen lapje kopen (of als cadeau voor de aankomende feestdagen) doet u bij de Maan Ambassade.
““I sent the United Nations a declaration of ownership detailing my intent to subdivide and sell the moon and have never heard back,” he says. “There is a loophole in the treaty — it does not apply to individuals.”
The US government had several years to contest such a claim. which they never did. Neither did the United Nations nor the Russian Government. This allowed Mr. Hope to take the next step and copyright his work with the US Copyright registry office. So, with his claim and Copyright Registration Certificate from the US Government in hand, Mr. Hope became what is probably the largest landowner on the planet today.” (via Kottke)
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